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Practical Magic Music Soundtrack And Artists

Practical Magic Music: Soundtrack and Artists

Original Soundtrack from 1998 Film

The "Practical Magic" soundtrack, released in October 1998, featured a diverse range of artists, including:

Artists and Tracks:

  • Stevie Nicks - "If You Ever Did Believe"
  • Marvin Gaye - "Got To Give It Up Pt. 1"

Soundtrack Re-Release in 2012

In 2012, Jomato Records re-released the soundtrack, adding additional tracks:

Additional Tracks:

  • Faith Hill - "Piece of My Heart"
  • Lisa Hall - "Fly Through Time"

Notable Tracks

Among the standout tracks on the soundtrack:

  • "If You Ever Did Believe" by Stevie Nicks became a popular single and won a Grammy Award.
  • "Got To Give It Up Pt. 1" by Marvin Gaye adds a soulful touch to the soundtrack.


The "Practical Magic" soundtrack has received acclaim for its eclectic mix of artists and memorable tracks, contributing to the film's enduring popularity and cult following.
